Desktime research
Desktime research

desktime research

Additionally, there is an email support option and a live chat.

desktime research

There is no telephone number to call, but you can request that a DeskTime agent call you.


You can download the software to your computer with the click of a button and setup is guided step-by-step.ĭeskTime Visit Site Customer Service and SupportĭeskTime has an FAQ section that covers all the bases, as well as multiple channels to contact support for those who need further help. Time tracking is automated, which further simplifies the process. Ease of UseĭeskTime has a clean and easy-to-understand interface with simple stats that you should have no problem digesting.

desktime research


The price of the Pro plan fluctuates with the number of users, ranging from 5 to 120+ users.


There is a 14-day free trial to test the paid version. The per-user price goes down the more users you have. Businesses will have to opt for DeskTime Pro, which offers all of the software’s features, plus priority support starting at $5.94 per user each month, totalling to $95 per month. The plan offers basic features but doesn’t offer advanced features, such as URL tracking and reports. You can also create customized reports which can filter the data collected by DeskTime in whichever way you need.ĭeskTime offers a free plan which is only good for single users who want to keep track of their own time. You can set hourly rates for employee time, so that you can automatically calculate costs and how much clients should be billed. If you wish to get an idea of productivity without violating your emplyees' privacy, you can program DeskTime to take blurred screenshots.ĭeskTime also has a number of reporting features, so that you can see how much time was spent on a project in total and estimate how long future tasks are likely to take. If you want to drill down even further into how productive your employees are, you can set DeskTime to automatically take screenshots of your employees' screens every 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes. In addition, you'll be able to see the title of the documents your employees are working on to give you a good idea of how much time they are spending on a given project or task. DeskTime will take this data and calculate the employees’ average productivity. You'll see what websites and apps the employee is using and be able to categorize which of them is productive or unproductive. DeskTime Visit Site Features and FunctionalityĭeskTime features automatic time tracking so that the hours an employee works are tracked from the moment they turn on their computers until the moment they turn them off.

Desktime research